
Monday, November 24, 2014

Some More Funny Stories

Hey Guys

So apparently you liked my other post about funny stories, so because I'm a people pleaser, I'm gonna write another one!

1. "It's not that hard!"
Once upon a gym practice, the whole squad was on beam.  We were basically all having the exact same mental block...leaps on beam. Now let me tell you don't know real pain until you split the beam.  If you don't know what that means...
Courtesy of: Gif Shot
Yeah...that's what splitting the beam looks like...So back to the story, we were all being wimps and not wanting to do leaps because doing a leap gives you probably the highest risk of splitting the's why...
That's me by the way

After watching that video, imagine what would have happened if my foot had slipped when I landed...ouch.  I would have fallen, smashed into the beam, crashed onto the mat and lay on the ground in pain curled up in a ball holding my leg/ankle/whatever I hit on the way down for about five minutes.  It is not fun.  It's happened to me more times than I can count. In fact, it happened to me last night...   Oh my, this post is turning into a beam rant. Back to the story. So Tina, my coach, was getting mad at us for not being "brave" and just "going for it". She then proceeded to step onto the low beam, after screaming to us for ten minutes about how easy it was and how we wouldn't get hurt. She told us that it was so easy, she could do it.  What happened next was hilarious.  She did her leap on the low beam, landed wrong, rolled her ankle, fell on the ground and her ankle started to swell up....Yeah.  After this whole lecture of how "it isn't that hard" and how "we wont get hurt."  We didn't do leaps on beam that day...Her ankle was purple and swollen for like two weeks.

2. Little Tree
I don't know if you guys will find this story is funny as I do… but let's just give it a whirl.  Before we vault, we have to move mats and stuff so we can get it how we like.  My team does this thing called "ants “ where we get the mat and put it over our head and carry it like that because it's a lot lighter that way… kind of like ants… so one thing about ants is that if you're in the front, carrying the front of the mat, you better be really quick to duck when we throw the mat.  Okay slowdown Maggie… what I mean by throw the mat is when we get the mat to the destination we want it at, we all just throw it forward.  Sometimes we don't throw it hard enough and the person in the front gets knocked down by the end of the mat.  So we were moving a dead mat one time, A dead mat is just a mat that has been used so much that it's just floppy and dead, Tasia was in the front and we threw the mat, it landed on her head.  It was really funny because as you probably know, Tasia is freakishly tall, and basically she was standing there and the mat was flopped over her so she looked like a tree or a mountain or something.  We all laughed and said she looked like a little tree and now we call her "LT".

So I only told two stories because if I wrote another one i'd be hella over my word limit.
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