1. My Birthday
So fun story. All of the clips from this were taken on my birthday. Shortly after filming on beam, I injured myself. What sucks though is that we didn't get it on film. So basically I was in the hospital on my birthday...aaaannnywho, here's the video...
2. The Cow
This video was taken a couple of days before Halloween. I made a cow costume for Halloween last year. I was originally going to write a post about Halloween and put this video at the end...but that post never really happened. I laugh every time I watch this because it's such a swaggy video, but i'm in a cow suit sooooo...
3. Me and Kylie
Once upon a Saturday, me and Kylie were bored. We decided to go outside and try to take some artsy gymnastics pictures. We ended up taking slow motion videos so that it would be easier to pause them and screen shot them. We had a bunch of slow motion videos on my phone so we decided to make a movie with them, this was the result...
4. Back Tuck
This video was taken on the same night that me and Kylie took our clips for the previous video, this is just a video of Kylie doing a back tuck that I edited really cool. I love the background of this because the sun was setting and the sky looked orange and cool! Enjoy...
5. Bruh
This video was taken a long time ago. It was taken on the very first day I'm going to do a back tuck (so a while ago). At the time it was like the coolest thing ever for me and I was really excited so I had Tasia film it for me. Later, I added some music and slowed it down a little, here is the result….
(BTW if you were wondering why I called it "BRUH" it's because I posted it on Vine one time and I have no idea what to caption it so that's what I did...)
This video was taken the day I tried this really fun and weird dismount on bars. I filmed my whole routine but I just decided to edit and add music to my dismount. So here is the video...
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